An introduction to cybersecurity

Published on 5/25/2024

On May 25th, I attended a presentation from i-Force in Bruges. The presentation was held in the Howest campus in Bruges. The presentation was about cybersecurity, and how important it is to have a good security system in place. The presentation was given by two guest speakers Pieter Van der Hulst and Tjebbe Van Quickenborne. They both work as security experts at i-Force, and they were able to give us a lot of insights in the world of cybersecurity.


i-Force is a company that specializes in cybersecurity. They provide services to companies that want to have a good security system in place. They provide services like penetration testing and security audits. They are experts in their field, and even partner with the government to provide security services. Their services range from incident response services when a company gets hacked, to cracking laptops for law enforcement if they can’t get in themselves.

The presentation

The presentation was very interesting. They detailed how important it is to protect yourself against cyberthreats by telling us about some cases they have worked on. Their whole presentation was interactive, with a lot of Q&A, and rewards of candy when you answered a question correctly.

What did I learn?

Attending this presentation opened my eyes even more to how important it is to be careful with what you do in the internet. Some of the cases they talked about, where a company was hacked, it was all possible because of one small oversight by an employee that hadn’t payed attention to what email they openend or what link they clicked. Everyone needs to be aware of the dangers on the internet, and how easy it is to get hacked.